Tuesday, December 31, 2013


My name is Ahilan. I live in Canada. In this blog site, I will be expressing my journey into discovering the power of super conscious mind. This is the power we all possess, but only a few realize. I welcome you to join my journey to explore your full potential.

I am not a guru. I am not an expert in this field. I am just a regular guy exploring our unlimited potential. I hope many of you will be able to relate yourself to me while learning to explore this field.

In the past, I have explored what is meditation. I did felt peace while meditating in the presence of others in a temple like environment. But I never bothered to meditate by myself. My mind was wondering all over the place and I thought it is impossible for me to meditate.

My mom, sister, and few of my uncles and aunts do go for Yoga and meditation. When they invited me, I was very reluctant to allocate time on a weekend to go out for these activities. Few months ago in one of their conversation, they mentioned the word “Alpha Mind”. Out of curiosity, I googled this word and found a few websites related to this. That’s when my journey started. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Alpha Mind

Our brain produces electrical impulses in regular intervals. Similar to an impulse in a musical instrument that would produce sound waves, our brain also produces waves that can be measured by electroencephalography (EEG).  Based on the emotional state of our brain the frequency of the wave our brain produces will change.

The frequency ranges of these waves are classified as follows:

Frequency Range Wave Name Brain State
25 - 100 Hz Gama Waves Peak concentration,
Higher Learning,
13 – 25 Hz Beta Waves Alertness,
7 – 13 Hz Alpha Waves Relaxed Alertness,
Peak Performance,
No Stress
4 – 7 Hz Theta Waves Dreams,
Deep Meditation,
Lucid Dreaming
Less than 4 Hz Delta Waves Healing,
Deep Sleep,
Detached Awareness,
Out Of Body Experience

By changing the frequency of our brain waves, we could change the emotional state of our brain. We could change this frequency by continuously listening to sound waves for few minutes in a specific frequency. This is similar to how music would change our mood to relax or getup and dance.

There are three types of sound waves that we can download and listen in our smart phones or computers. They are:
• Binaural Beats
• Monaural Beats
• Isochronic Tones

You may google the above words to learn more about them or download applications from Apple’s iTunes or Google’s Play Store that produces these sound waves.

Alpha mind is meditation state in which your brain produces Alpha Waves (7 – 13 Hz). Using sound wave technologies and other techniques, we could reach this meditation state much easier than what Buddha would have done.

But why bother trying to meditate? How could we produce anything by just sitting or sleeping? Don’t we need to work hard to achieve what we want?  I'll share what I learn to answer these in the next posting.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Meditation Courses

The music tunes we discussed in my last postings are all good to take you into Alpha mind, but they are of little use unless you know what to do in alpha mind. In the recent months I came across a few online meditation programs that teach you to use these tunes with other techniques to learn mediation. I was able to learn to focus and meditate using these programs. Following are some of the programs that I follow:

Alpha Mind System

This website is been created by some doctors, scientist and sound engineers. Their foundation cause is where I started to learn the basics. This free foundation caurse can be accessed from:

The membership fee for their full caurse is US$99.00. If you find their foundation caurse interesting, it is worth the investment.

Silva Method

Mr. Jose Silva developed this mediation system in 1966 and he has sold over 12 million books in 110 countries. I am following their audio lessons. This system teachers you step by step method going into deep mediation and to learn at your subconcious level.

This popular course in southern India is conducted by Dr. Vijayalakshmi Panthaiyan Ph.d. She teaches mediation techniques in English and Tamil. I have provided the English version of her introduction. You may learn the basics in Tamil in her YouTube channel.

There are numerous other courses on mediation. They may teach the techniques differently, but ultimately the benefits are the same. To keep this article small, I’ll limit it with the above three courses. You may follow any course that suites you or try different ones to find the one that best suites you. The knowledge is within you. How you access is up to you.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Why Meditate?

When you choose a major for your college studies, would you choose a major that has no scope in getting a job? Most of us won’t. Similar to this, unless there is a real benefit to you, you will not be bothered to mediate. I am sure I will not. 

In the past when my relatives suggested mediating, I could not find a solid reason to do so. I already live in one of the richest prosperous countries in the world having an above average life style in it. I am in perfect health and I do not take any medication. Not even vitamin pills. I gave a great family with lots and lots of friends and relatives. 

So what more do I need? What more can mediation provides me? As I did not have a solid reason for this, I didn’t bother to do so for all these years.   Also to learn meditation I thought I needed a guru (teacher) and/or a temple like environment. I am not a regular visitor to any temple. I was not interested in seeing any gurus. 

I am sure most of you who read this would have similar reasons as I did. 

To understand what meditation can provide, first we have to define what we really need. Also for us to meditate at our own will, it has to be easy, fun and profitable. 

What do we need?

We all need one thing in our life. That is “To be Happy”. All other stuffs and things we collect or do is all for us to be happy. So what do we need to be happy? As per my googling, we need wealth, health and compassion for us to be happy.

Suppose if you do not have any food, shelter, cloths or any other material stuff we have, we probably won’t be happy. But suppose if you have your basic needs of food, air, water, shelter and cloths are provided, more wealth is not going to make you proportionately happier. 

If you buy a new PS4 gaming system, sure it will make you happy. But as this is not a necessity, that happiness will not last too long. Likewise any other material stuff we possess would have made us happy at the moment we bought it or few days after it, but not for too long. Or like owning a car or cell phone, it will eventually be part of the needs of your life and would make you unhappy when you lose.  

So to a limit we do need wealth for us to be happy.

Health is more important than wealth. Losing this would make you unhappy. But if you do not have any sickness, and you are in perfect health, there is nothing more health to gain. 

If you are having some sickness for a long time, you would have accepted this as part of your life and eventually you will not be unhappy because of your health.

So we do need health, but we could live without.

Love & Compassion
We having the feeling of others caring about us and the feelings we care about others is the most important factor in gaining happiness. If we think nobody cares about us, which thought itself would eventually make us sick. The importance of you having the feelings of love and compassion is hard to explain and it is factor that cannot be measured.

Compassion is the feeling that holds this universe together.  The happiness you gain by the feelings of compassion is limitless. 

So how to get what we need?

Thru mediation, we can attract more wealth, cure illness, and more importantly spread love and compassion. This is the first step in bringing more happiness. 

Secondly should be able to spread the feelings of love and compassion to your family, friends, strangers, and even to your enemies. Once you truly believe that your enemies also should be happy, eventually it will be too boring for them to be your enemy. (For this for me, I first need to find if I have any enemy. So if you know any of my enemy, tell them that I am looking for them.).

Finally, encourage the happy people around you to spread the feelings of love and compassion to the people around them. 

I truly believe this is the way to bring peace to this 3rd rock circling the sun which we call “Earth”.

The Habits of Happiness

Friday, December 27, 2013

How Meditation Works

Electronic equipment like computer or a TV may look magical if we don’t understand the principles of how they work. Our mind also may look magical if we don’t understand how it works. In this article I will try to explain how mind works and the functions of our brain. This would be the basics for us to understand how meditation works.

What is a mind?

Our body consists of over 50 trillion cells. Out of these cells there are 10 times more bacterial cells than human cells. There are over 500 species of bacteria living just in our gut! Basically it’s a big zoo. Each of these cells has its own brain, digestive system and so on.

Our mind is the collective consciousness of every single cell in our body. It is intangible.
In contrast to this, our brain is tangible. It collects the signals from all our cells and executes the collective decision.

Similar to this, the mind of humans are the collective consciousness of all humans. The mind of the earth is the collective consciousness of all living being. In a later posting, I will discuss fractals to explain how these patterns are being repeated in smaller and bigger scales all over our universe.

Parts of our mind

There are 3 parts to our mind:

External mind:
This is associated with thinking and problem solving skills. It can focus only one task at a time. Even if we try to multi-task, it will be sharing the time to focus between multiple tasks and it is not very efficient it doing it.

This is also called “conscious mind”.
Inner mind:
This is associated with automatic nervous system. It regulates our heart beat, breathing and blood flow on autopilot without needing our conscious thought. This can process multiple tasks at the same time.

This is also called “subconscious mind”.
Super-Conscious mind:

This is external to our human body thru which all living beings are connected. This has immense intelligent. Thru meditation we will be accessing the super-conscious mind to get things done.

It is also called “Universal Mind” and “God”.

This is similar to any computer system such as personal computers, smart phones, gaming systems and other devices connected to the internet.

In a computer you can do one task at a time with the signals from your keyboard and mouse. Currently I am focusing on Microsoft Word to write this blog. This is like our External Mind.

Our computer has a hard-drive. We have many programs stored in it. While we are focusing on one task, it can execute multiple programs stored in our hard drive such as audio player, virus scanner and so on. This is like our subconscious mind.

If your computer is connected to the internet, you will have access to immense amount of information, videos, audios other programs and so on. This is like our super-conscious mind.

We are all connected thru the super-conscious mind even if don’t realize it. We are constantly receiving information from super-conscious mind. But for us to send messages to the super-conscious mind there is a small catch.

Our external mind is not directly connected to the super-conscious mind. So if you just ask for a million dollars, you are not going to get it, regardless of which temple you go to or how loud you ask. The connection to our super-conscious mind is in our subconscious mind (inner mind).

So to send a message to super-conscious mind you need to send the message to subconscious mind in a way that it will accept it. If the message is accepted, it will be considered as you “believe in it”. If you believe that you need to get something to benefit the universe, that message will be send to super-conscious mind for it to be executed with all resources it has. In Christianity this is called faith.

In meditation, you will learn to focus and send clear messages to the super-conscious mind for you to be able to achieve your goals. This is how meditation works.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Who are we?

To understand the power of the super-conscious mind and how it can lead us to a higher level, we need to understand the various dimensions of our composition. We have a physical body, a mind, a spiritual connection and emotions. For our overall wellbeing, all of the above has to be in a healthy state.

A thought in our mind is the beginning for us to have a feeling of hatred, anger, jealousy, love, compassion and so on. This thought is fuelled by emotions. The stronger the emotion we get, the heavier our feelings we will have. These emotions are the necessity force for us to fall in love, attack an enemy, start a business or do any other action.

May be some of our thoughts are coming from our conscious mind. But very often we get ideas when we are at sleep or in a relax state consciously not thinking about it. Suppose you might have lost your keys. While thinking about something else, you may have got the idea where you lost your keys. So at-least partially we are getting ideas from our sub-conscious mind.  

Now where are we getting our emotions? If we focus on the news, movies, or the common behaviour of the mass, we may get the feelings of anger, jealously, love and so on. So the external sources can have influence in our emotions.  But most of those emotions are just temporary.

If we focus within our self to do something great, we will get the emotion of compassion, love and thrive to do something good to the humanity. In this case, and in many other scenarios the emotions are coming from our sub-conscious mind.

For us to take actions to do something great we need a strong feelings to do so. The sub-conscious mind has a big role in this.

At times when we feel the things are out of our ability, we look forward to a higher source called God to guide us. At times, the thoughts and emotions we get are beyond our own experience stored in our sub-conscious mind. You did not train your subconscious mind to fall in love. You would have not fallen in love until you met that right person. So where the subconscious mind got the idea to flirt with her/him? It has to be knowledge beyond you. That’s where the connection to our super-conscious mind or the spiritual connection giving you the necessary feelings strong enough for you to take actions. This falling in love with a person is just one example. If you think of it, you would have got many other ideas beyond your knowledge to do something great.

To get the connection to your super-conscious mind work in your favour, meditation can play a constructive role. But can we just sit in one place and meditate to achieve all what we want? Not really. In the end we have to take actions to gain what we want. The bigger our goal is, the bigger the action we need to take.  Thru meditation, our mind will give us the thoughts, emotions and feelings for us to take the necessary actions to achieve what we want. At times it will be so strong that you cannot avoid taking the necessary action.

Chronological Age

Our physical body is continuously growing. Our skin is replaced with new one every few weeks. Most of our internal organs are replaced with new organs every few months. Overall, most of our whole body is replaced with new cells every 10 years. So the oldest person you ever met is physically only 10 years old.

The chronological age is the number of years from your date of birth. This cannot be changed. But this is of very little importance for our wellbeing and happiness.

As we get older, most of us think we cannot learn new tricks. There are many people who fear old age and are uncertain about the future, because they anticipate mental and physical deterioration as the years advance.

But that is only our perception. There are many who have done great achievement during their 70s, 80s and older.
  • Marcus Porcius Cato, the Roman patriot, learned Greek at 80.
  • Madame Ernestine Schumann-Heink, the great German American contralto, reached the pinnacle of her musical success after she became a grandmother.
  • The Greek philosopher Socrates, learned to play musical instruments when he was 80 years old.

The above are just a few examples out of thousands or even millions of successful people. So the chronological age really does not matter.

Bialogical Age

Your “Body Mass Index (BMI)”, blood pressure, vision and hearing capacity and other measurements are used to calculate your biological age. This age indicates how well your body is functioning in comparison to most others of your same gender, ethnicity and your society. Healthy food and regular exercise is important for a healthy biological age.

This is more important than the chronological age.  But people of less than perfect health also have achieved greater success.

Mental Age

This is the age your mind truly feels like. Understanding how the sub-conscious and super-conscious mind works will make you realize that your mental age can even get younger. Thru the mind power, we can even get biologically younger.

Mind, Emotions and Spiritual Connection

What mostly important in the composition of who we are our mind, emotions and the spiritual connection. So we are a spiritual being. We are in this body to experience life. So enjoy every single day feeling young for ever.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

What are we doing?

As we saw in my earlier article, we are a spiritual being having a human experience. We are all connected thru once super-conscious mind.  In this realm, here are no aliens, there are no foreigners, there are no rich and there are no poor.

Most animals, birds, insects and so on have the tendency to associate them self to a small a group called family and a little bigger group called society. They treat the other animals outside of their circle as different being.

Humans have taken this one step further. We have divided our-self by religion, countries, ethnicity, education, wealth, associations and so on. I think we have made a bigger mess out of our-self than any other animals, birds or insects would have ever done.

With the thought of divisions deeply engraved in our mind, we have created wars killing other humans, fight with those close to us, and hurt others with words. At the same time humans are trying to show passion to other animals and save endangered species. In this sense, I think humans are the biggest hypocrites.  

There have been many wars between different sectors of Hindus, Christians and other religions. Different sectors of Muslims are still fighting to for what they believe as the “right cause”. People of different countries have fought to save their nations. While you think of yourself as belonging to a small sector of the human population, the cause may looks worth fighting for or even worth dying for. But let’s start thinking in a broader scale as spiritual beings.

As we start thinking our-self as spiritual beings all connected to the same source called Super-Conscious mind, all the differences we have created among our self, the borders we have created among our self, all the religious symbols and buildings we have created among our-self looks so stupid.

We are all citizens of the same galaxy. We are all sons and daughters of same god. We are all connected thru the same field of energy called “Compassion”. We are all one.

Why are we different?

Even though we are all connected to the same source and we are of the same kind, each of us have our own personality, skills, mind and so on. Even two siblings of the same family having similar life would act differently.  Imagine if we all think, look alike and do the same.   That would be boring. These differences make this life so enjoyable. But why do we have these differences?

We are all individual souls having our own journey called “Life”.

Think of yourself as being in a university studying your own major.  In the same university, others may be in different year, or doing different major. What they study may not be of any interest to you or they may not be following your own foot prints. Or you may be you are following the foot prints of someone else who have graduated. In either case, each student is having his/her own interest, hope and career plans. After you all graduate you might have gained many things including a certificate and a title behind your name.  The certificates and titles behind your name may help you get a job, but to do your job, it is of not much use. What matters most are the Knowledge and Experience we gained and the Relationships we build. They will last your lifetime to achieve many successes.

These are the three things that we will be gaining in the end of our journey called “Life”. All those three things are not tangible. It has no benefit to your body. It is all related to your soul.

Once you realize that each of us is having our own journey, you will be able to help others instead of criticising them in their journeys. You will be able to understand them instead of attacking them in their journey.

This journey is in a predefined path that we call destiny. The sequence of events in this journey is ordered in a time line. This time and the space we live in is feature in this realm. Thru mediation and deep sleep we understand that time and space does not exist outside this realm. You would have felt that in dreams in which you would have been able to travel back and forth in time. You would have been able to create events and objects just by your imaginations. So the limitations on space also do not exist in dream states.

There have been many scientific researches by Einstein and others on quantum mechanics on time and space. Thru meditation we have capacity to understand the purpose of our journey and modify the destination at our will.
By understanding the principles of this realm, we will be able to look at the events happening in our own life like passing clouds. No need to get anger over any of it. No need to get jealous over the events happening in others life. That is just their journey.

People who had near death experience have gone back and forth to other realms. Many of them have told us that the journey each one of us is having is the one we choose to have. The purpose of it is to get certain knowledge, experience and build relationships. Some may have chosen an easy life; others may have chosen a difficult life. Some may have chosen a wealthy life while others may have chosen a poor life. If the purpose is to gain a lot of experience, a poor life may be more valuable than a wealthy one.    

Once again, let me emphasise it. Life is a gift. Enjoy every moment of it.

The End of Space and Time